Newton's Color Wheel by T. Ford, 2006-2023. Color schemes for general use and Ultra Fractal. Documentation is at the bottom of the page.
Your Color: |
Complement: |
Split Complement: |
Triad: |
Tetradic: |
Analogous: |
Value: |
Saturation: |
Chromatic: |
Flame: |
CSS Gradient Backgrounds. Adjust the AVS Degrees and Grad. Divisions.
Most computer color scheme generators work from the RGB (or true) color wheel,
based on light. The primary colors are red, green, and blue.
Artists tend to use Sir Isaac Newton's color wheel. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.
Harley Brown's eternal truths for every artist uses Munsell's Color Notation System.
This wheel has 5 primary colors, red, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
This has the effect of shifting red's complement to blue-green.
It almost looks like it's got the right half of the RGB wheel, with the
left half of Newton's wheel. The underlying math for this wheel should be considered beta - if you see
something not quite right, let me know.
This generator lets you choose between all 3 versions using a mathematical "best guess" by a non-artist.
Cyan and magenta push to blue-green and purple, respectively, if you reduce the color's value, so Newton's Wheel may need to clip the colors.
Newton's Wheel color conversion loses 120 hues in the cyan and red ranges, but as these are every-other hue, the loss isn't so bad.
If it doesn't work, you may have Javascript turned off, or the browser may not correctly support the options. Firefox does not support the Copy Gradient button's Javascript, so you'll have to highlight the text and copy it.
HSV - Hue, Saturation, Value
HSL - Hue, Saturation, Luminance (Lightness)
Flame: If you look closely at a flame, you'll see the hue shifts and grows darker farther away from the center, white to yellow to red, being the most common, white to cyan to dark blue, and white to yellow to light green to dark green, also frequently seen. The "flame" colors here mimic that and should produce pretty fractals. Use positive and negative values for flame hue and flame value to find the colors you want.
Ultra Fractal Gradient Samples that show how the parameters affect the gradients.
Objective C / Cocoa CattailArtNSColor Class - For Mac developers, all this JavaScript math has been converted to Objective C and NSColor objects.
CattailArtNSColorDemo - For Macs, this application (source code provided), recreates this page in a nifty Cocoa application with some differences.
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Change Log:
10/05/2022: CSS Gradients
09/13/2009: Added support for the Munsell System of colors. Underlying math should be considered beta.
01/13/2009: Added links to my Mac equivalent code and application.
10/17/2008: Updated the step by step help. Thank you, Diane! Also added some html keywords/description.
10/14/2008: Added Flame color set. This shifts hue, value, and saturation.
Some cosmetic changes. Updated samples.
01/27/2007: Added an animation for Ultra Fractal help.
10/27/2006: Linked color to transparency by default for UltraFractal gradients.
10/27/2006: Added HSL support.
10/28/2006: Added Luminance Variance.