
Rec Room Step by Step V2 Circuits


Contact Information

Discord: https://discord.gg/hWxtDu7dxZ
Discord: cattailnu / Slate#4353 / T.L. Ford


Event #
Introductions (reason for joining, experience level, goal).
Obnoxious Robot Game (thinking like a programmer/computer).
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build a Push Button Light Switch.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
button, light, bool, input/output, exec flow, sync, detach circuit boards, organization, configure objects.
Memorize Terms: input, output, variable, boolean.
Review and Q&A.
Discuss other uses for same circuit model.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build a button-emitter.
Button-emitter circuit 3 ways discussion.
Build a turn on/off invisible collision (removing bool).
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
Solidify knowledge, better understanding of outputs and using them as inputs.
Memorize Term: sync.
Learn: Same variable names must match, be able to trace exec flow through circuits thus far.
Review and Q&A.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build a welcome sign (shows name) using 2 text boxes and a trigger volume.
Build a welcome sign with 1 text box.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
trigger volume, string, text display, string format.
Memorize Terms: trigger volume, string variable, string format syntax {0}.
Review and Q&A.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build a welcome sign showing name and visitor number.
Build a welcome sign showing name and visitor number, random color.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
int, add, list, color, events, to string
Memorize Term: int Variable, list, events.
Understand how variables are initialized and stored in memory.
Review and Q&A.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build a teleportation door with an interaction volume.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
float, xyz, rotation, get vector, respawn point.
Memorize term: float variable. Know: interaction volume.
Review and Q&A.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build a GPS device.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
float, xyz, rotation, to string, string format, vector gizmo.
Memorize: xyz, rotation, To String chip.
Review and Q&A.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Build an elevator.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (decipher complex elevator).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
vector3, quaternion, role chip.
Memorize Terms: vector3, quaternion.
Review and Q&A.
Explanation of Terms (for the day).
Discuss Final Project.
Build add role to target trigger handle.
Build weapon with trigger handle.
Decorate your Builds.
Group Challenge (spot error in broken circuit).
Homework Assignment.
Class Photo.
trigger handle, vector component.
Memorize: Trigger handle, vector component.


Everyone must follow the COC.

  1. Follow the Code of Contact on this Discord and Rec Room. https://recroom.com/code-of-conduct
  2. Respect staff, classmates, and fellow Rec Room players.
  3. Add, delete, and change YOUR objects/circuits only.

The 5 No's:

  1. No profanity.
  2. No sexual activity or harassment.
  3. No gore or NSFW content.
  4. No trolling.
  5. No spamming.

Expected behavior

Listen to lectures and follow assignments. Help others if you finish your circuits or quietly move away. Don't distract others who are trying to learn.