Add fun to education with this great trivia game!
It's easy to:
- write your own questions
- use your images, diagrams and charts to enhance retention
- include exciting sound effects to maintain interest
- study for tests
Create two to three teams and compete in live action, or play one
on one at home. Use a digital projector for the whole class!
Rockin' Trivia is easy to set up and includes automatic
score calculation and a countdown timer.
Customization is a breeze:
- create 7 topics with 5 questions each
- use text and or graphics in questions and answers
- select surprise bonus questions to double the score
- substitute your own sounds for defaults
- adjust the game title for different themes
- change the amount of time players have to answer
- let players pick their own team names
- play in full screen or widescreen versions
System Requirements:
- Microsoft Access 2003 or Higher
- Digital Projector Recommended