Monkey Bar Swinging Finger Exercises for the Initiated abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz `1234567890-=\ [];',./ Now that you know where all the keys are, let's have some fun. Warm Up: aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz \//\\/ `'~" 1234567890-= +_)(*&^%$#@! Left Hand. zxcvbasdfgqwert`12345 ZXCVBASDFGQWERT~!@#$% zaq1!QAZ xsw2@WSX cde3#EDC vfr4$RFV bgt5%TGB 3qba5dz 2gsaf~e 4wv2ret `1xawc 5tr4ave`g zbw1cd f3qs~x 3qba5dz 2gsaf~e 4wv2ret `1xawc 5tr4ave`g zbw1cd f3qs~x Right Hand. nm,./hjkl;'yuiop[]67890-=\ NM<>?HJKL:'YUIOP{}67890_+| nhy6^YHN mju7&UJM ,ki8*IK< .lo9(OL> /;p0)P:? '[]-=\|+_}{" 0;ju n'y9 l\8iu, =.mpo i-h8 l/7y h[i.];0 y\n6 o=k9 j-m7p] [,6u/ k' 0;ju n'y9 l\8iu, =.mpo i-h8 l/7y h[i.];0 y\n6 o=k9 j-m7p] [,6u/ k' Phew! That was a lot of work. You've now used every key on the keyboard 11 times. I'll bet it was slower than just doing something like zzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxxxx ccccccccccc... Well, you get the picture.