Complete Published Emotions List
One of the trickiest things
to determine when generating a Wraith character is exactly which
emotion any particular passion is most closely tied to. Emotions
are tricky things in the real world - one person's joy is another
one's happiness, as it were. Sometimes a few examples can help,
which is the purpose of this article.
Presented here is a complete list of the emotions
featured with passions by wraith and spectre NPC's and sample
PC's in the Wraith line. Some of these emotions are very similar
to each other or sub-clauses of greater examples (Lust for Power
is just a type of Lust at the end of the day). Some are merely
different tenses of the same word (Hate and Hatred, for example).
This is deliberate - If it's featured in a Wraith supplement,
it should be on this list, whether it particularly makes sense
or not.
- Abject Terror
- Acceptance
- Addiction
- Affection
- Aggression
- Altruism
- Ambition
- Anger
- Apathy
- Arrogance
- Betrayal
- Bitterness
- Bloodlust
- Bravery
- Calm
- Caring
- Chaos
- Chastity
- Co-dependency
- Compassion
- Confusion
- Contempt
- Courage
- Covetousness
- Cowardice
- Craftsmanship
- Cruelty
- Curiosity
- Cynicism
- Dark Glee
- Deceit
- Deception
- Dementia
- Depression
- Desire
- Desire for Acceptance
- Desire for Control
- Desire for Peace
- Desire for Posterity
- Desire for Respect
- Despair
- Desperation
- Destiny
- Destruction
- Determination
- Devotion
- Disgust
- Disillusion
- Duty
- Eagerness
- Ego
- Egoism
- Egotism
- Empathy
- Envy
- Excitement
- Faith
- Fanatic Loyalty
- Fanaticism
- Fear
- Fervor
- Forgiveness
- Fraternal Devotion
- Freudian Drive
- Friendship
- Frustration
- Fun
- Generosity
- Glee
- Gratitude
- Greed
- Guile
- Guilt
- Hate
- Happiness
- Hatred
- Hedonism
- Help
- Honor
- Hope
- Humility
- Idealism
- Idealism
- Impish Glee
- Individuality
- Indulgence
- Insecurity
- Jealousy
- Joy
- Justice
- Kindness
- Laziness
- Lethargy
- Lifelong Dream
- Loathing
- Loneliness
- Longing
- Love
- Love of Innocence
- Loyalty
- Lust
- Lust for Power
- Malice
- Martyr
- Maternal Love
- Megalomania
- Mercy
- Mischievousness
- Mockery
- Morbid Curiosity
- Narcissism
- Need for feeling of Self-Worth
- Nihilism
- Nostalgia
- Obsession
- Outrage
- Pacifism
- Pain
- Panic
- Paternal Devotion
- Patriotism
- Perseverance
- Personal Loathing
- Perversity
- Pity
- Pleasure
- Power
- Pride
- Professional Contempt
- Professional Pride
- Puppy Love
- Rage
- Reassurance
- Rebelliousness
- Recklessness
- Regret
- Religious Fervor
- Religious Love
- Resentment
- Resignation
- Restitution
- Revenge
- Ridicule
- Righteous Curiosity
- Righteousness
- Sadism
- Sadistic Glee
- Saintliness
- Satisfaction
- Scorn
- Self-Contempt
- Self-destruction
- Self-Hate
- Selfishness
- Selflessness
- Self-pity
- Self-preservation
- Self-Worth
- Shame
- Sibling Rivalry
- Sloth
- Sorroral Devotion
- Sorrow
- Spite
- Stubbornness
- Sybarism
- Temperance
- Terror
- Treachery
- Trust
- Twisted Ambition
- Twisted Faith
- Twisted Love
- Vanity
- Vengeance
- Vindictiveness
- Wrath