The Vision

You know nothing. Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse.

Let me show you...

Sam Neill - "Event Horizon"

In addition to The Mark, some of those who practice Fatalism have also seen another harbinger of something dark on the way. This takes the form of a terrible vision - one that has shaken all who have seen it to the core of their being.

It was only a few people who saw it at first, but now - as time has gone on - more and more have confirmed that, yes, they have seen it. They speak of being swallowed whole by darkness, and then being released just when they thought there was no escape.

How strange, then, that those who admit to having seen these visions often disappear not long thereafter...?

As with The Mark, only those with two or more dots in Fatalism will see the vision.

How soon the character sees it depends on how "in tune" with the forces of Fate the Oracle is. Those with only two dots in Fatalism might not see it until the Endtime is nearly upon them, while those with five dots - and however many Alternate Arts - might have it happen right at the start of the Chronicle.

{Sooner or later all wraiths with Fatalism will see it, though. And while those who don't have so much of a dot in it might not see the vision, they may survive long enough to see what it promises before their very eyes...}

When the vision happens, take the Oracle's player aside and let her know that, as her character is going about her daily business, she suddenly becomes aware of an odd, rushing noise. It sounds like the tide washing in, only louder and more insistent. It eventually becomes so loud that she cannot hear other noises, and even the voice of her own Shadow is muffled.

Just when she can take it no more, the rushing engulfs her, and she is struck blind by a wave of total, complete darkness that only she can see. All the Oracle's senses are overwhelmed, and she is immersed in a terrible, rushing absence of sensation, as though all ability to perceive the world had just been cut off.

Wrapped in blackness, her memories, sense of self and ability to think are quickly abraded down, like ghostflesh in the face of an oncoming Stormfront. In a short span of time, the only thing that remains is the nagging voice of the Eidolon - however undeveloped it may be - speaking her true name over and over, yet slower each time, like a dying record player.

And then, just as the name becomes so slow and soft that she cannot even hear or remember what her own name was, she comes to once more. It is as if nothing happened, and any who were around her would tell her that nothing had happened - all that was experienced in the darkness took place in a mere instant.

But the character will remember that horrible, total loss forever.


Seeing the vision allow the Shadow to roll its Permanent Angst at a Difficulty of 6, and gain one Temporary Angst for each success. This is a one-time only roll: even if the character should re-live the vision, or have another, the Shadow will not get another chance to have this roll

Trying to explore this further via Fatalism runs substantial risks, as detailed in Interpretation, here.

Before the World's Ruin