A Musical Motley for Changeling: the Dreaming and Wraith: the Oblivion


J. Edward Tremlett

(with illustrations by Lauren Watson)

There were four, folding metal chairs on the stage. I swear I didn't even see them get filled. I turned my back one second, and then everyone stopped staring at each other and started applauding as four young folks were sitting on those chairs.

They were mostly dressed in high Victorian clothing (bombazine, tophats, veils and all) and had their instruments (one cello, one violin and one flute) ready to go. It was like they'd been there the entire time, but were somehow hidden from sight.

The applause died down as if on cue, and without a word they set right into... Something. I think it was Górecki's "Piece in the Old Style 1," except that the speed wasn't constant, and the singer started whispering an eerie poem halfway through.

And the way the flute predominated - the playing of the flute itself, for that matter - was as chilling as a sea breeze from the wrong direction.

From the Dec, 2003 issue of Sounds {see below for full excerpt}

Something of a New England phenomenon, the "Chamberpunk" quartet known as Bone Dance have been getting international notice of late. They've been described as an enchanting and spooky cross between early Siouxsie and the Banshees and Kronos Quartet. In fact, their version of the Banshees' "The Staircase {Mystery}" is getting quite a bit of play on East Coast college radio.

The band has also stirred up a measure of controversy, given the antisocial antics of their flute player. Not only is Johnny Bedlam ungracious towards the group's fans, but he's also been known to stop playing and stomp offstage in the middle of a piece. Fans who try to talk to him either get brushed off or smacked upside the head with his flute, and reporters often fare worse.

Still, in a world where Top Ten acts are well-renowned for treating their audience like crud, that's not nearly enough to drive their admirers away. And they do have a lot of admirers... it's just that most of them aren't quite what they seem.

Neither is the band.

Press Clippings
Sounds Article excerpt
Gramophone Interview excerpt

Sleep Chamber

Once Upon a Time
Strangely Ever After
Coming Back

The Players
Janice Porrohman
Jeremy Rustovich
Johnny Bedlam
Stuart Fingenbaum
