
They come from miles around
In avarice and love
To suckle on the blood
Of some forgotten god

Dead in the Water - David Gray

If Citadels are gathering places for "secular" purposes, Temples are places where Wraiths attend to the veneration of their Gods. Some Concords are more steadfast in these religious notions than others, and see maintaining such centers of worship to be as important - if not more important - as keeping Citadels. Meanwhile, others don't see the need, or make do with small shrines, mobile icons or the like.

Temples don't tend to be Haunts of any kind, but it isn't unknown for a highly spiritual Anchor - such as a church, or mosque - to be put to sacred purposes. That said, most "Temples," as Wraiths reckon the word, are to be found in the Catacombs. There, in the nooks and crannies of the underground labyrinth, the dead go to pray amongst the ancient reliquaries and burial chambers.

As for the appropriateness of such found places, they say that if you go underground looking for something, the Catacombs will give it to you - eventually. You might have to crawl on your hands and knees, or get lost for days to find it, but sooner or later a place of worship suited to your tastes will be found.

{And once you've found it, going back there sure seems a lot shorter, not to mention easier. The labyrinth is funny, that way.}
