Importance of Domains

A Concord's strength within a Necropolis is mostly judged by how large a Domain they can comfortably hold. Ideally, a Concord would have a sizable area of the city - if not most, or all of it - under its direct control. Other Concords may be content to have a small but well-established corner of it, but general wisdom holds that, for Domains, "bigger is better"

There are three key reasons why: Safety, Security, and Essence.


Safety from Storms

Wraith Haunts are the only real, guaranteed protection against Storms. While knowledge of the Castigate Numen can fend off the winds, and what comes with them, those who aren't lucky enough to have learned these Arts need something to hide behind.

And when a Storm breaks, there's no certainty that rival Concords will let other Wraiths into their Haunt, either. One can always try to teleport to one's Anchor, but the Damned have ways to home in on anyone traveling in this manner during a Storm, and can follow along, or at least mark the location for "fun" at a later date. Given that, most Wraiths would rather bang on a stranger's door than bring the enemy to their own.


Security All Around

They say that the best weapon is one that's so fearsome that it never has to be used, as others won't attack for fear of seeing it in action. Having enough Haunts to eke out a sizable Domain, then, inflates a Concord's standing enough that it appears strong, even if it isn't. This often keeps Concords from attacking one another, thus maintaining the peace.

Haunts also give Wraiths a redoubt full of energy in case they are being attacked. So long as they can keep the enemy outside - which isn't always impossible, thanks to certain Numina - they can fight a purely defensive battle with a ready store of energy. They only have to outlast the zeal of those outside, or hold the door until the calvary arrives.


Essence, Essence, Essence

The more Haunts a Concord has, the more opportunities it has to tap - and store - Essence. This can only be good for a Concord's Wraiths, who may have a highly-varied diet, or need to consume a lot of it. It also comes in handy during emergencies, such as Storms, invasions of Reapers or all-out war between Concords

Having a large supply of Essence also increases the ability to comfortable trade Essence with other Concords, in exchange for favors or certain, exotic blends. Not everyone has ready and full access to the emotions of Essence they need, after all, and sometimes one has to put one's pride aside and buy what's needed.


Tapping the Vein

It isn't unknown for a Wraith - or an entire Concord - to covet a Ghost Haunt simply because it's a rich source of a certain kind of Essence. The more unusual it is, the more likely it is that someone will need it, or someone will crave a whiff of it. These factors translate into a lot of favors - or an abundance of "cheaper" Essence - in return.
