
Almost every day is a ritual of sorts for a Believer, who tend to see their new existence as one long prayer to what they revere. This prayer should be performed in thought, word and deed, so they may spend as much time as possible seeking what lies beyond.

That's not to say that the Believers are religious robots, tending to the holy from one sunrise to the next. But they are aware that the Divine sees them all the time - not just when they're on their knees or in their places of worship. Each idea and action must be weighed in the balance of the heart and the soul, lest one fail the trial that the Divine has placed down.

The exact nature of a Believer's rituals depends on which group she belongs to. It may be as simple as worship services once a week, or they may need to be shut away from "the world" in a quiet place of contemplation, venturing out only to tend to their Anchors, or handle things that can be dealt with no other way.

That said, there are a few rituals that most Groups of Believers use. The names may differ, but the idea is the same.

* The Removal

When a prospective member "joins" a Group, she is called a Supplicant and initiated into the ways of the Deadlands as seen by the Believers. Every Group has their own criteria as to what makes an acceptable member, and if the Supplicant proves herself to be worthy of a chance at things, they will offer her a place. However, before joining she must prove her dedication by undergoing The Removal: the Resolution, via Anchorage, of an Anchor of her choosing.

How this is done is up to the Group, but most often they ask the Supplicant to tell them of what the Anchor means to her, and why she wants to be rid of it. If they agree that the answers are real - even if they don't agree with the reasoning behind them - they will link hands and lend their strength to the Supplicant as the person leading the ritual lessens, and then Resolves, the Anchor.

If the ritual is successful, they welcome the new Believer to the fold. If it failed, then they will wait for a period of time and offer the Supplicant another chance, provided the disappointment hasn't made her quit, or brought out a side of her personality that proves her unsuitable for the Group.

* Resolution

A Resolution is something like a Removal, only it is - if all goes well - the last thing a Believer ever does as a Believer. It involves the Wraith Resolving her last Anchor, before her peers, and achieving Transcendence before them all. A successful Resolution involves her leaving that Anchor behind, and vanishing, while failure ends with her going nowhere at all.

A Ferryman must be present to help facilitate this ritual. However, he does not do anything more than ask the Seeker if she is ready, and offer a hand to the beyond. The first, middle and last steps must be taken by the Seeker, but if she can push herself towards the fall he will catch her, and walk her through the Barrier with him.

* Pilgrimage

Thanks to their understanding of the Anchorage Numen, the Believers are able to travel far from their Anchors. This allows them to visit sites that are holy to their faith, or hold some special significance to their Group. They prefer to walk to these places, if they can, but sometimes "cheat" and take advantage of modern transportation if they feel time is against them. Sometimes Groups take a Supplicant along so the Removal can be done in these holy places, and sometimes they travel there just so a Resolution can be performed.

* Conclave

Every so often, Groups of like minded Believers will converge in a chosen location to work, pray and debate religious issues together. Such gatherings - which can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks - are known as Conclaves. The relative strength and success of one is judged by how many Ferrymen wind up attending, and if they impart any wisdom to the gathering. Some Groups of Believers use this as a time to perform Removals or Resolutions, relying on the goodwill of the many to help the process along.

