Cattail.Nu: Easy A Rouxbe Homework Food Descriptions

Use this form to help you write your homework food descriptions so you cover the requirements for taste, texture, aroma, and presentation. Fill in the blocks and your draft will appear below. You might also like the Humorous Food Description Generator.



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(Ex. Which taste buds were triggered (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami)? What ingredient/herb was strongest? What does it remind you of? Did the flavor change as you chewed and swallowed? What would you change to make it better? What is your opinion of the flavor?)

(Ex. Which type aroma dominated (fruity, floral, earthy, nutty, spicy)? What ingredient/herb/spice was most noticeable? What does it remind you of? What would you change to make it better? What is your opinion of the aroma?)

(Ex. Soft, crunchy, hard, grainy, stringy. Did it change as you chewed? Did it dissolve? What does it remind you of? What would you change to make it better? What is your opinion of the texture?)

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Your Draft (copy/paste/edit):
