Cattail.Nu Patterns and Textures
High resolution, seamless, for commercial and non-commercial use.
Some are free (blue) and some are for purchase via Gumroad (sea foam green).
No attribution necessary, but please consider my books.
Work in any graphics program (with layers) using the PNG files.
Tutorials and Examples
Say Thanks

These patterns, textures, and design packs are for non-commercial and commercial use and modification in other projects.
No attribution required.
Files and images may not be redistributed or resold as-is, alone or in another collection.
If you find these useful, consider and share my books:

Using Patterns in Blender Example
Colorized. Normalized. Added to 3D Sphere.
View Video (no sound)Download Source BLEND

Apply Patterns to a Star Video
Clipping masks, scale patterns, blend, mask.
View VideoDownload Source PSD

Floor Design Pack Demo Video
Part 1: Clipping masks, pattern layers, masks. Part 2: Transform the pattern into 3d space.
View Video Part 1View Video Part 2
Download Source PSD

Hexagon Floor Example (PSD)
This graphic in Photoshop CC with layers, smart objects, masks, and rasterized patterns so you can see how I did it. Make a floor graphic.
Download Source PSDCPGrey on Hexagons

Pattern Creation
Me, talking about how I create patterns. I generally do a lot more for my patterns, but that would be covering general Photoshop, not just patterns. This is a lot of layers and masking, with Filter, Image Offset.
Chaotic Pattern (17:29 minutes)Slugs and Flowers (8:26 minutes)

Paint a Skirt Video
Scale patterns, rasterize, liquify, blend, mask. Sorry the audio is so rough; might be best to turn it off and just watch.
View VideoDownload Source PSD

Cracks 2 Textures
3600px, seamless. PNG, Adobe Photoshop document (PSD) and pattern (PAT) files.

Floor Design Pack
3600px, seamless. PNG, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Adobe Photoshop document (PSD), and pattern (PAT) files. Individual elements layer to make your own design.

Organic Grunge
3600px, seamless. PNG, Adobe Photoshop document (PSD) and pattern (PAT) files.
Basic Grids
3600px, seamless. PNG, Adobe Illustrator (AI), and Adobe Photoshop pattern (PAT) files.
Basic Stripes
3600px, seamless. PNG, Adobe Illustrator (AI), and Adobe Photoshop pattern (PAT) files.

Say Thanks
These were a lot of work. Use them. Share this page.
And if you are feeling kind and generous, take a look at my books:
My email: