Section 2: Code Comments
Let's look at another line of code from the default Tap Forms script.
// Replace with your own code
This is an easy one that the computer reads like this:
// - Those two slashes together not separated by a space mean I ignore everything after it to the end of the line.
That's it. That's all the computer does for this line. This is called a comment - some words the computer ignores. You can put whatever you want in those words, although programmers prefer you say something useful about what nearby code is doing.
You can even put that comment after real code:
var hello_world = "Hello World!"; // Replace with your own code
Another way to write a comment is using:
/* Replace with your own code */
The computer reads this like this:
/* - The slash star not separated by a space... Excellent! More stuff I don't have to do. I can skip over line endings, words, everything until I see a */ .
*/ - There it is! Drat, I guess I have to get back to work now.